
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

國泰皮膚科Clinical Patterns in Dermatology(14) Granulomatous & Necrobiotic Lesions(3) 3.0


國泰皮膚科/臺大皮膚部Clinical Patterns in Dermatology(14) Granulomatous & Necrobiotic Lesions(3) 3.0

國泰醫院皮膚科/臺大醫院皮膚部 鄭煜彬醫師 製作
時間:2020/10/17(一) 14:30-17:30


Saturday, July 4, 2020

演講公告:脂漏性皮膚炎與禿/落髮 (Seborrheic Dermatitis & Hair Loss)


時間:15:55 pm-16:35 pm 

Sunday, April 26, 2020



人類身上最常見的癌症是什麼?這答案不是很響亮,但很明確就是皮膚上面的「基底細胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)」。根據國外統計這種癌症的案例數佔了所有皮膚癌的75%,所有人類惡性腫瘤案例的25%(1),在臺灣雖然比例不至於那麼誇張,但在皮膚癌中基底細胞癌還是占了所有案例的五成(2)。這種癌症雖然不太會四處轉移,卻會破壞附近皮膚的結構,在皮膚上面形成經久不癒的潰瘍。偏偏基底細胞癌又好發於頭頸部,容易造成顏面五官的一些傷害。





某些亞型(色素型 pigmented type,如圖3)會整個呈黑色。常伴隨血管擴張,中央有時也會出現潰瘍,常被以為是惡名昭彰的黑色素瘤。實際上黑色素瘤的黑色會有很多不同的層次,不會只有一兩種色階。

有種基底細胞癌是一塊邊緣清楚的紅色斑塊,表層稍微粗糙類似濕疹,但周圍沒有出現類似的病灶,擦濕疹的藥膏也不太會好,這就可能是表淺型(superficial type,圖4)的基底細胞癌。

另外有兩種比較侵略性的基底細胞癌,比起其他各型的基底細胞癌更容易復發。有些看起來是一塊偏白稍硬的斑塊,乍看之下很像一個疤痕或是自體免疫的硬斑症(morphea),這種稱為硬斑型/硬化型(morpheaform/sclerosing,圖4)基底細胞癌。還有一些看起來像是表層被抓破的小丘疹,切片之後發現雖然是基底細胞癌,但部分已經出現像鱗狀細胞癌的分化,稱為基底鱗狀癌(basosquamous carcinoma),這兩種基底細胞癌的亞型有相對較高的轉移率,跟其他幾乎不轉移的亞型大不相同。




目前所知所有的基底細胞癌幾乎都是因為紫外光曝曬導致PTCH1基因突變,活化細胞中的一條訊息傳導路徑(Hedgehog signaling pathway)所致(1)



基底細胞癌如能及早治療,病人的壽命與都與正常人無異。目前最好的方式還是讓皮膚外科醫師把整個病灶都切下來進行病理化驗,才能確認是否有切乾淨(圖5),這也是復發率最低的方式。(1, 3)
圖5:鼻子上的基底細胞癌,在其他醫院確診後轉給筆者治療。經手術廣泛切除達到安全距離(safe margin)後,考量直接縫合張力過大,以皮瓣手術關閉傷口。半年之後除了膚色稍白尚未完全恢復外,疤痕相當輕微,幾乎看不出來。

至於某些不適合手術的地方(例如眼皮),則可以使用刮除加上電燒(curettage & desiccation)的方式來清除腫瘤,對於小於1公分的基底細胞癌有很高的治癒率(1, 3)

此外液態氮冷凍治療、外用的5-fluorouracil藥膏、外用imiquimod(樂得美)藥膏、光動力療法、與放射治療(radiotherapy)都可以治療無法手術切除的基底細胞癌。其中最不影響外觀的是光動力療法(photodynamic therapy),但復發率相對略高,治療之後最好規律追蹤二到三年(1)。但上述的5-fluorouracil藥膏與光動力療法的5-Aminolevulinic acid藥膏需要專案申請,使用上並不普及。筆者也是經過很多年的努力,才幫自己所屬的醫院收集到上述所有的治療。


一般除非是硬斑型基底鱗狀癌等亞型、或是病理下出現侵犯神經的特徵、大於7.5公分拖了很久都沒處理的病灶,才可能出現淋巴結、肺部、與骨頭的轉移。轉移的案例很稀少,轉移率遠小於1%。然而轉移的案例預後就很差,剩餘壽命的中位數僅10個月(1, 4),與很早就進行手術切除根治的病例(壽命同正常人)相比可說是天壤之別。因此,早期診斷早期治療,依然是對於癌症最有效的處理方式。




(1) Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, 9th edition, p. 1884-1897.
(2) 臺灣癌症登記中心年報
McKee's Pathology of the Skin, 5th edition, p. 1192-1196.
(3) Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition, p. 718-719.
(4) Update on metastatic basal cell carcinoma: a summary of published cases from 1981 through 2011. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149(5):615-616.
(5) (皮膚科王修含醫師的網頁)

國泰皮膚科線上教室:Clinical Patterns in Dermatology(12) Granulomatous & Necrobiotic Lesions(1) 3.0




Wednesday, April 8, 2020


鱗狀細胞癌原位癌又稱為波文氏症(Bowen disease),臨床上往往是一片紅色、邊界清楚、略為增厚、表面粗糙的皮膚。手術切除是最好的治療方式,對於某些不適合開刀的病灶可使用光動力療法等非手術療法。

有時老人的皮膚上會出現一塊紅色、邊界清楚、略為增厚、表面粗糙的皮膚。由於不癢不痛,很多人往往不以為意,但別被它溫和的外表騙了,這塊病灶可能就是鱗狀細胞癌的原位癌/波文氏症(squamous cell carcinoma in situ/Bowen disease)。

鱗狀細胞癌原位癌是指癌變的細胞還位於表皮基底膜(basement membrane)以上的淺層病灶,只要手術移除就等同治癒。但如果癌細胞吃穿了表皮的基底膜(basement membrane),接下來轉移到淋巴結或遠處其他器官的機率就會大增,所幸一般只有大約5%的病灶會演變成侵入性的鱗狀細胞癌。(1)


鱗狀細胞癌原位癌好發於頭頸部與四肢這些容易受到日光曝曬的位置,但全身到處都可能出現,也可能出現於皮膚皺褶處、甲床或指甲附近。臨床上看起來是一塊邊緣不規則但界限清楚的粉紅色或紅色斑塊(圖1, 2, 3),會隨著時間逐漸變大,也可能會出現隆起的結節或是疣狀的增生(圖4)。因為表面往往有鱗屑脫落、結痂或是角質增生,有時會呈現灰色或棕色(圖5)。(1, 2)
圖1  典型的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌:一塊紅色、邊界清楚、略為增厚、表面粗糙的皮膚
圖2  頭頸部的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌:呈現紅色、粗糙的厚皮

圖3  與圖2相同病人頭頸部另一處的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌:鱗狀細胞癌原位癌有時會有多處病灶,因為附近的皮膚往往也累積了相當程度的DNA突變。

圖4  出現疣狀增生的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌
圖5  結痂的臨床細胞癌原位癌,呈現棕色與黃灰色的痂

圖6  色素型的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌(pigmented squamous cell carcinoma in situ),可能會被誤以為是老人斑。

鱗狀細胞癌原位癌有時會被誤以為是乾癬(psoriasis)、慢性濕疹、扁平苔蘚(lichen planus)或是黴菌感染(癬),但上述這些疾病多半伴隨明顯搔癢。少數的鱗狀細胞癌原位癌會有色素增生(圖6),常會被誤以為是老人斑(seborrheic keratosis)等良性病灶,此時最好還是由皮膚科醫師實際看診後決定是否進一步接受切片檢查,以免誤放皮膚癌或是過度治療。


引起波文氏症的主要原因是紫外光的曝曬,另外使用免疫抑制的藥物、接受放射治療、以及受到人類乳突病毒(human papillomavirus)感染也都可能誘發波文氏症。在台灣西南沿海過去飲用深井水造成的慢性砷中毒(arsenism)除了會造成烏腳病,也會誘發鱗狀細胞癌。


鱗狀細胞癌原位癌如能及早治療,病人的壽命與都與正常人無異。主要治療方法是手術切除,因為這類腫瘤一旦吃穿基底膜就可能變成淋巴或遠處轉移。要評估有沒有吃穿基底膜,最好的方式還是讓皮膚外科醫師把整個病灶都切下來進行病理化驗,才能確認是否有轉移(圖7, 8)。(1, 3)

圖7  手術切除並轉皮瓣縫合是最能確保根治的作法

圖8  手術切除得當,也可以兼顧美觀。本例是筆者幫106歲的人瑞切除額頭多年的鱗狀細胞癌,經過半年後回診追蹤,除了色素稍有不均之外,彷彿什麼事都沒發生過。

至於某些不適合手術的地方(例如眼皮),則可以使用光動力療法電燒氣化型雷射(二氧化碳雷射)三氯冰醋酸藥物燒灼液態氮冷凍治療外用的5-fluorouracil藥膏、或是外用imiquimod(樂得美)藥膏來治療。其中實證效果最佳,且最不影響外觀的是光動力療法(photodynamic therapy)。(1)但上述許多藥物需要專案申請,使用上並不普及。筆者也是經過很多年的努力,才幫自己所屬的醫院收集到上述所有的治療。





(1) Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, 9th edition, p. 1867-1871.
(2) McKee's Pathology of the Skin, 5th edition, p. 1192-1196.
(3) Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition, p. 718-719.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

[考生加油] Dermatological Recall: Chapter 32 Lichen Planus Part 2


Chapter 32 :: Lichen Planus Part 2

:: Aaron R. Mangold & Mark R. Pittelkow




How about the risk of malignant transformation in oral LP?

Low risk (0.6-1.9%)

What are the risk factors of malignant transformation in oral LP?

Long-standing dz, erosive or atrophic types, tobacco use, esophageal involvement, oncogenic subtypes of HPV (type 16)

What is the stage of malignant transformation in oral LP?

In situ carcinoma or with a microinvasive pattern.

Where is the common sites of malignant transformation in oral LP?

Tongue> buccal mucosa>gingiva>>>lip

What are the features of malignant transformation in oral LP?

Invasive SCC:

1.          Indurated, nonhealing ulcers

2.          Exophytic lesions with a keratotic surface.

3.          Red atrophic plaques(correlate with SCC in situ)

What are the risk factors of SCC in LP ?

1.          Hypertrophic or verrucous LP

2.          LP on the lower extremity

3.          A history of arsenic exposure

4.          A history of x-ray exposure

5.          Long-standing disease (average, 12 ys)



What should you do for the vesiculobullous disease or erosive disease of LP?

Histopathology, DIF, IIF, & ELISA (to differentiate from immunobullous dzs)

Laboratory testing is not required

What laboratory testing should be performed in LP?

Tests for dyslipidemia

What laboratory testing should be performed in oral LP?

Patch tests of mercury, gold, chromate, flavoring agents, acrylate, & thimerosal

What laboratory testing should be performed in LLP?

Testing for thyroid abnormalities: TSH, antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, & anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.

When should you check HCV in the case of LP?

Oral LP, risk factors for HCV (liver function, IV drug use, blood transfusion

prior to 1992, & high risk sex), in endemic areas (East and Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East, & Southern Europe)臺灣是流行區



What are the major pathologic findings of LP?

Epidermis: hyperkeratosis, wedge-shaped areas of hypergranulosis, & elongation of rete ridges (sawtooth)

l  Basal epidermal keratinocyte damage (effacement of DEJ)


l  A lichenoid-interface lymphocytic reaction: a dense, continuous, & band-like lymphohistiocytic infiltrate at the DEJ

What are the 2 absent features in LP?

Parakeratosis & eosinophils

What is the apoptotic cells at the papillary dermis of LP ?

Colloid-hyaline bodies=Civatte bodies= eosinophilic bodies.

What is the difference between lichenoid drug eruptions & classic LP?

Eosinophils (in 2/3 lichenoid drug eruption)

What is the difference between hypertrophic LP & classic LP?

Eosinophils (in 1/5 hypertrophic LP, thus they are very itchy.)

What is Max Joseph cleft formation in LP?

Separation of the epidermis in small clefts under severe inflammation of LP.

What are the features of late disease of LP?

Scarring (an atrophic epidermis, effacement of the rete ridges, dermal fibrosis), colloid bodies & melanophages.

What is difference between late disease of LP & poikiloderma?

LP: colloid bodies (+)

What are the features of hypertrophic LP?

Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, papillomatosis, thick-ened collagen bundles in the dermis, & Eφ.

What are the differences between mucosal/genital LP & cutaneous LP?

Parakeratosis & an absent granular layer, plasma cells.

What are the features of LPP?

A perifollicular, lymphohistiocytic inflammation at only isthmus & infundibulum + scarring alopecia (perifollicular fibrosis, scarring, & follicular atrophy)

What is the features of DIF in LP?

1.      IgM(±IgG, IgA) on the apoptotic cells(colloid bodies) at the DEJ

2.      Shaggy deposition of fibrinogen at the DEJ

3.      Multiple Ig conjugates(IgM, IgG, IgA): consider LE

What is the role of DIF in LP?

1.      More important in oral LP

2.      Atypical disease

3.      Ulcerative and vesiculobullous LP

Where is the optimal location for biopsy of cutaneous LP?

1.      Proximal trunk

2.      Avoidance of the distal extremities.

How do you select optimal location for biopsy of LPP & nail LP?

With dermoscopy.

Where is the proper location of biopsy of nail LP? 

Surficial change (trachyonychia & pitting): matrix

Change of plate(chromonychia, nail plate fragmentation), subungual change(splinter hemorrhage, onycholysis, & subungual debris): nail bed.

Where are the proper locations of DIF of LP ?

1.      Mouth floor & ventral tongue

2.      Can be 1 cm from the lesion









How long is the duration of most cutaneous LP?

Resolves within 1-2 years

How much is the recurrence rate of LP?

20%, common in generalized cutaneous disease.

What is the relationship between duration & the extent/sites of LP?

Short to Long: generalized cutaneous < nongeneralized cutaneous < cutaneous & mucosal < mucosal < hypertrophic <LPP

What is the most common manifestation of LP sequelae?

Postinflammatory hypo-/hyperpigmentation (in higher Fitzpatrick skin types)


TREATMENT(challenging & discouraging)


How can you decrease the severity of LP?

Discontinue exacerbating drugs, minimize trauma, & reduce microbial overgrowth

What is most specific tx of lichenoid dzs?

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors (target CD8-Tc cells, also works in DM, AA, & vitiligo)



What are the choices of skin-directed Tx of cutaneous LP?

Topical: steroids(±occlusion), calcipotriene, calcineurin inhibitors (esp. combination of steroids)

IL: steroids (5-10 mg/mL monthly ± topical steroids)

Phototherapy: NBUVB, BBUVB, UVA, PUVA

What are the special applications of hypertrophic LP?

Occlusion of topical steroids, IL steroids.

What are the systemic Tx of LP?

1st: oral steroids

2nd: sulfasalazine, metronidazole, acitretin, hydroxychloroquine/ chloroquine, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), & azathioprine

3rd: cyclosporine

How do you choose the systemic Tx of LP ?

Refractory/ulcerative: target lymphocutes (methotrexate, MMF,

and azathioprine)

Generalized/hypertrophic: indirectly on lymphocytes (sulfasalazine & metronidazole) or cellular

differentiation (acitretin)

How much is the dose of systemic prednisolone for cutaneous LP?

0.3-1 mg/kg/ day for 4-6 wks.

Why is corticosteroid-sparing agents very important for cutaneous LP therapies?

Relapse is common after DC steroid

What drug in 2nd line therapies has highest efficacy for cutaneous LP?

Sulfasalazine (1-2.5 g/day)

What is adverse effects of sulfasalazine?

Agranulocytosis & liver function

What is the role of metronidazole in the Tx of cutaneous LP?

1.      The first-line nonimmunosuppressive systemic agent (250mg tid or 500mg bid)

2.      Effective in generalized cutaneous LP.

What is adverse effects of metronidazole?

Sensory peripheral neuropathy

What is the role of acitretin in the therapies of cutaneous LP ?

Highly effective for hypertrophic LP (30 mg/day)

What is adverse effects of acitretin?

Mucocutaneous side effects(xerosis, scaling) and hyperlipidemia

What is the role of antimalarials in the Tx of cutaneous LP ?

Chloroquine: cutaneous LP.

Hydroxychloroquine: LPP, & actinic LP, favorable side effects

What is the role of methotrexate in the Tx of cutaneous LP ?

Works for recalcitrant disease, hypertrophic LP, & LPP

What is drawbacks of MMF, azathioprine, & cyclosporine?

MMF: expensive, delayed response (needs steroids)

Azathioprine: suppressive effects on T + B lymphocytes & poor tolerability

Cyclosporine: expensive, frequent relapses, long-term side effects (kidney insufficiency & lymphoma)



What is the cornerstone of Tx in oral LP?

Good oral hygiene with regular professional dental cleanings

How can patients minimize exacerbating factors of oral LP?

Avoiding contact allergens(removal of amalgams, gold), DC drug, reducing oral microbes & trauma

What are the skin-directed Tx of oral LP?  

1st: topical sterods in orabase.(Stronger agents: clobetasol & fluocinonide + more occlusive preparations + 2-6 times daily)

2nd: topical tacrolimus/ pimecrolimus

3rd: topical cyclosporine/tretinoin

What is the major complication of topical steroids?

Fungal infection

How can you manage the major complication topical steroids?

Oral chlorohexidine gluconate mouthwash, topical anticandidal medications, oral fluconazole

What is the side effect of topical calcineurin inhibitors for oral LP?

Transient burning (improved by combination of topical steroids)

What is the role of IL steroid in the Tx of oral LP?

Last line (after exhausting topical therapies, 10-40mg/ml, Q 1-4 wks)

What are the systemic Tx of oral LP?  

1st: oral steroids

2nd: acitretin, hydroxychloroquine/ chloroquine, methotrexate, MMF

3rd: cyclosporine, azathioprine…

How much is the dose of systemic prednisolone for oral LP?

1.5-2 mg/kg/ day for 4-6 wks.

What are the concerns of systemic Tx in oral LP? (2)

1.      iatrogenic candida infections

2.      risk of oral SCC under erosive & refractory LP & immunosuppression

What drugs are preferred in oral LP?  (4)

Erosive LP

1.      MMF

2.      Hydroxychloroquine (less immunosuppressive)

3.      Methotrexate (less immunosuppressive)

Hyperkeratotic/noneroded LP

4.      Acitretin (antiploliferative, less immunosuppressive)

How much is the dose of systemic steroids for oral LP?

Prednisolone: 1.5-2 mg/kg (higher than skin, more side effects)

Betamethasone: 5 mg on 2 consecutive days weekly (pulse tx: less side effects)

What oral drugs can be considered in oral LP?

1.      Acitretin 30mg/day

2.      Alitretinoin 30mg/day (臺灣沒有)

What are first choices of steroid-sparing agents for oral LP? (2)

1.      Methotrexate (10-15mg/wk)

2.      MMF (2-3g/day)

Tx of LPP


Why does LPP & FFA cause scarring alopecia?

Deficiency of PPARγloss of immune privilegedestruction of the bulge

What are the skin-directed Tx of LPP?  

1st: mid to high potency steroids(topical or IL)

2nd: calcineurin inhibitors

What are the systemic Tx of LPP?  

1st: prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day

2nd: Hydroxychloroquine (+ doxycycline, not monotherapy), MMF, methotrexate

3rd: cyclosporine (monotherapy)

Tx of FFA


What are the skin-directed Tx of FFA?  

IL steroid, topical minoxidil (combine hydroxychloroquine or others)


What are the systemic Tx of FFA?  

1.      5 α-reductase inhibitors (finasteride 2-5mg/day or dutasteride 0.5mg every 1-7 days)

2.      Systemic steroids + MTX & MMF

3.      Cyclosporine (monotherapy)



What is the goal of the therapy of nail LP?

Stop the disease (prevent irreversible pterygium), not reverse it.

What is the therapies of nail LP?

Ultrapotent topical & intralesional steroidssyetemic steroids (for compromise of function & debilitating pain) or hydroxychloroquine

Saturday, March 28, 2020

[考生加油] Dermatological Recall: Chapter 32 Lichen Planus Part 1

扁平苔蘚(lichen planus)聽起來是很普通的疾病,但在皮膚科卻是成因相當複雜,且難以治療的燙手山芋(剛好也是紫色的)。長在頭皮與指甲的病灶如果太晚治療,甚至會造成頭髮與指甲不可逆的消失。儘管扁平苔癬在臨床上相對少見,遇到的時候趕快診斷並給予正確治療才最重要的事。

Chapter 32 :: Lichen Planus Part 1
:: Aaron R. Mangold & Mark R. Pittelkow


What is the meaning of lichen planus(LP)? 
Flat(planus) tree moss(lichen)
What is the involved tissue of LP?
Any ectodermal-derived tissue
What is the classification of LP?
Papulosquamous lesion (however, it just has scant scales, not really “squamous”)
What is the four Ps of LP?
(1) purple, (2) polygonal, (3) pruritic, & (4) papules
What is the histological feature of LP?
A brisk lymphocytic interface reaction (lichenoid infiltration)

What contributing factors may cause LP?
Infectious, immune, metabolic, and genetic causes
What is the main responder of LP?
Cell–mediated immunity(T cells). Immunoglobulins (humoral immunity) is only secondary response.
What is the constitution of T cells in LP? (Th or Tc?)
Dermis: CD4+ T-helper (CD4-Th)
Near basal keratinocytes: CD8+T-cytotoxic (CD8-Tc)
What is the 4 stages of LP?
antigen recognition, lymphocyte activation, keratinocyte apoptosis, resolution.
What is the pathogenesis of LP ?
Some antigenLangerhans cell→↑MHC class II receptors→↑CD4-Th (antigen recognition of HLA-DR(+) keratinocyte)release inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ)CD8-Tc oligoclonal expansion
What is the antigen of typical LP?
Unknown antigen
What is the antigen of lichenoid GVHD?
Alloantigens from the graft.
What is the antigen of oral LP?
MHC class I on keratinocytes (an autoreactive peptide or an exogenous antigen?)
What are the exogenous antigen of LP?
1.          Inorganic mercury (dental amalgam), gold (act as haptens)
2.          Syphilis, HSV 2, HIV, amebiasis, chronic bladder infections, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, or HPV.
What are the cause of TNF- α associated lichenoid tissue reactions(LTRs)?
TNF-α inhibitors (dysregulated cytokine) upregulation of type I IFN)
What is the major cytokine in LP?
IFN-γ (migration of lymphocytes to DEJ)
How does IFN-γ work in LP?
inflammatory chemokines CXCL-9, 10, & 11activate CXCR-3 on CD4-Th
Why does peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) stop scarring alopecia in LPP?
It inhibits CXCL-10 & 11
What is the mechanism of keratinocyte apoptosis in LP?
CD8-Tc cellsgranzyme B release, TNF-α–TNF-α R1 receptor interaction, & Fas–Fas-L interaction
What is the mechanism of disruption of the basement membrane in LP?
TNF-α→↑matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), especially in ulcerative lesions
What is the mechanism of the resolution of LP?
1.          T-regulatory cells→↓Tc
2.          Fas-L, granzyme B, & perforin on the keratinocytes: apoptosis of Tc

What are the sites of gene polymorphisms related to LP?
HLA, immune signaling molecules & receptors (IFN-γ, TNF-α, TNF-α R2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-18, NF-κB), PGE2, oxidative stress, transglutaminase, thyroid hormone, & prothrombin.
What are miRNAs related to the epigenetic regulation of LP?
micro-RNA (miRNA)-146a & -155
What are the most specific marker of LP?
CXCR-3 ligand & CXCL-9,

How much is the prevalence of LP?
1% (0.1-4%), but not exact.
What is the age of most LP?
30-60 y/o (2/3 of all cases)
What is the peak onset of LP?
>55 y/o (elderly, earlier in women)
How much is the prevalence of childhood LP?
1-5%, 20% in Pacific Indians. no sexual predilection
What is the peak onset of childhood LP?
Between 8 & 12 years of age
What is the features of familial LP?
Family history(廢話), early onset, widespread & erosive/ulcerative disease, mucosal involvement, & frequent relapses.
What is the HLA tendency in familial & nonfamilial LP?
Familial: HLA-B27, Aw19, -B18, & -Cw8
Nonfamilial: HLA-A3, -A5, -A28, -B8, -B16, & Bw35
What is the HLA tendency in oral & cutaneous LP?
Oral: HLA-B8
Cutaneous: HLA-Bw35

Where is the locations of LP?
Skin, oral mucosa, any ectodermal-derived tissue (hair, nails, internal & external genitalia, eyes, & esophagus.)
How long is the development of typical LP?
Over the course of weeks.

What are the clinical featurs of LP?
1.          Well-marginated, dull red-violet, flat-topped, polygonal papules. (4”Ps”)
2.          The grouped papules often coalesce into plaques.
3.          Wickham striae, fine, white & adherent reticulate scale (esp. in dermoscopy)
What is the meaning of Wickham striae?
1.          Characteristic features of LP
2.          Correlate with orthokeratosis, epidermal thickening, & an granular layer.
Why does LP have dull red-violet hue?
Combination of vascular dilation & pigment incontinence
Where are the typical locations of LP lesions?
The flexural wrists, arms, legs, proximal thighs, trunk, & neck, symmetrical distribution.
Where are the atypical locations of LP lesions?
Face & palms
Where are the locations of inverse LP ?
Axillae, groin, & inframammary region
What is the most common symptom of LP?
Extreme pruritus (directly correlate with
the extent of involvement)
What type of LP affects limited areas but has severe pruritus?
Hypertrophic LP (only lower extremities)
What is the name of trauma-induced disease in acute LP?
Isomorphic (Koebner) phenomenon
What is the reason of isomorphic phenomenon?
Traumaendogenous peptides (cathelicidin LL-37) or antigens (DNA & RNA)type I IFNs (-α and -β) LP
What is the common sequela of LP?
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, esp. on darker skin. (hypopigmentation: other diagnosis)
What is the percentage of oral LP? (Adults & children)
Adult: 42-60% (about 1/2)
Children: 17-30% (about 1/5)
What is the percentage of hair & nail LP? (Adults & children)
Adult: 2-6% (about 1/20)
Children: 0-19% (about 1/10)

How are LP variant categorized?
According to configuration, morphology, & sites.
Configuration: annular LP, linear/ Blachkoid/ zosteriform LP
Morphologic appearance: hypertrophic LP, atrophic LP
Site of involvements
What are the location of annular LP?
Penis & scrotum
What are the morphology of annular LP?
An arcuate grouping of individual papulesform a ring or expand centrifugally with a central clearing & hyperpigmentation.
What is actinic LP
Annular LP in subtropical zones on sun-exposed, dark-skinned young adults & children.
What is the cause of linear LP?
Trauma induces a row of LP papules.
What is the cause of Blaschkoid LP?
Postzygotic, somatic mutations in susceptibility-associated genes
What is the cause of zosteriform LP?
A viral trigger of disease or an isotopic response related to underlying resident memory cells.
What is the difference between linear & zosteriform LP?
Linear LP does not follow dermatomal lines.
Zosteriform LP follow dermatomal lines.
What are the differential diagnoses of linear, Blaschkoid, zosteriform LP?
All segmental diseases: lichen striatus, linear epidermal n., inflammatory linear & verrucal epidermal n., linear psoriasis, & linear Darier dz.
Where are the locations of hypertrophic LP?
Anterior shins & interphalangeal joints.
What are the features of hypertrophic LP?
1.          Thickened, elevated, purple-red, hyperkeratotic plaques & nodules, with follicular accentuation & chalk-like scale.
2.          Highly pruritic, refractory to treatment, & associated with relapse.
What are the differential diagnoses verrucal lesions of hypertrophic LP?
Keratinocyte carcinomas, rupioid psoriasis, rupioid syphilis, reactive arthropathy (Reiter's syndrome), & cutaneous LE
What is the associated disease of hypertrophic LP?
Chronic venous insufficiency
What are the features of atrophic LP?
Oligo-lesional, well-marginated, blue-white papules or plaques with central atrophy.
Where are the locations of atrophic LP?
Proximal lower extremity & trunk
What are the differential diagnoses of atrophic LP?  
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus & mycosis fungoides
What is the nature of atrophic LP?
Late-stage resolved disease of LP
What is the mechanism of vesiculobullous LP?
Secondary to an exuberant inflammatory response of LP (acute flares) & an exaggerated Max-Joseph space.
What are the features of LP pemphigoides?
1.          Classic LP + lesions of bullous pemphigoid
2.          Bullous pemphigoid antibodies (BP 180 and 230) & immunofluorescence.
What is the mechanism of LP pemphigoides?
LPexposure of autoantigenbullous pemphigoid antibody BP lesions
Where are the locations of vesiculobullous LP?
Lower extremities & oral cavity (became erosion & ulcer).
What are the features of erosive & ulcerative LP?
1.          Erosion & ulcer
2.          Significant pain & scarring
3.          Other ectodermal involvement (scarring alopecia & loss of the toenails)
4.          SCC in chronic lesions of ulcerative oral LP.
Where are the locations of erosive & ulcerative LP?
Feet & oral cavity
What are the 3 major variants of follicular LP?
Lichen planopilaris (LPP), frontal fibrosing alopecia(FFA), & Gram-Little-Piccardi-Lassueur syndrome (GLPLS)
What is the features of LP follicularis tumidus (LPFT)?
Pruritic, red-violet pseudo-tumoral facial & posterior auricular plaques + yellow cysts + LP elsewhere
What are the differential diagnoses of LPFT?
Folliculotropic MF, & cutaneous lupus erythematosus
What are the features of LP pigmentosus (LPP)?
Hyperpigmented, dark-brown macules in sun-exposed & flexural folds, usually in darker skinned individuals.
What is the relationship between LPP & ashy dermatosis(erythema dyschromicum)?
A phenotypic spectrum based on genetic &
environmental factors: they have significant overlapping.
What are the features of actinic LP?
1.          Minimally symptomatic
2.          Annular, well-marginated, hyperpigmented brown-violet, flat-topped, plaques with a slightly rolled border
3.          Subtropical zones on sun-exposed, dark-skinned young adults & children of Middle Eastern descent
4.          In the spring & summer months.
5.          Hx: a more brisk LTR relative to LP pigmentosus, vacuolar changes, & pigment incontinence.
Where are the locations of actinic LP?
Face > the dorsal hands, arms, & nape of the neck(sun-exposed skin)
Who predisposes LP of the scalp?

What are the 3 variants of LP of the scalp?
LPP, FFA, & GLPLS (the same as follicular LP)
What are the features of classic LPP?
Individual perifollicular hyperkeratosis + diffuse livid erythemaplaques on the scalpscarring alopecia
Where is the typical location of classic LPP?
Vertex of the scalp
What are the features of LPP on the dermoscope?
Absence of follicular opening, cicatricial white patches, peripilar casts and perifollicular scale, blue-gray dots, perifollicular erythema, & polytrichia (2 or 3 hairs)
What is the features of FFA?
1.          Progressive frontotemporal recession (inflammatory)
2.          Loss of the eyebrows (noninflammatory)
Who predisposes FFA?
Postmenopausal women (but can occur in younger women)
What might be the cause of FFA?
Leave-on facial products, sun-screen, & allergy to fragrances (positive patch test)
What are the features of GLPLS?
Cicatricial alopecia of the scalp, nonscarring alopecia of the axilla & groin, & follicular papules on the trunk & extremities.
What is the end stage of follicular LP?
Pseudopelade of Brocq (it can also be the result of LE, pustular scarring forms of folliculitis, fungal infections, scleroderma, & sarcoidosis.)
Where are the typical locations of mucosal LP?
Mouth or genitalia
What are the types of oral LP?
Reticular(most common), plaque-like, atrophic, papular, erosive or ulcerative, & bullous forms.
What are the locations & symptoms of all the types of oral LP?
1.          Reticular: buccal > tongue> gingiva (asymptomatic)
2.          Erosive & ulcerative: tongue (extremely painful), gingiva (gingival stomatitis or desquamative gingivitis)
What is the difference between oral LP & oral lichenoid reactions (OLRs)
OLRs have an identifiable cause (They are similar clinically & histologically)
Where is the common location or OLRs?
Buccal mucosa adjacent to amalgam dental fillings
What is the result of patch test on the patients with OLRs?
Positive reactions to mercury, gold, & other metals negative after the removal of amalgams. (A special site irritant reaction koebnerization)
What are the features of oral LP on the patients of HIV
1.          Bilateral reticular keratotic or atrophic changes of the buccal mucosa
2.          Lichenoid atrophic patches over the dorsal tongue
3.          Follows zidovudine or ketoconazole intake (a unique drug hypersensitivity)
What is the features of esophageal LP?
1.          proximal esophagus (upper 1/3)
2.          middle-aged women
3.          preceding or concomitant oral LP
4.          progressive dysphagia and odynophagia
5.          lacy white papules, pinpoint erosions, desquamation, pseudomembranes, & stenosis.
6.          Hx: parakeratosis (not in skin LP), epithelial atrophy, & lack of hypergranulosis
What is the percentage of male genitalia involvement of LP?
25% of all male cases
What is the most common pattern & location of LP on male genitalia?
Annular lesions on glans penis
What are the features of anal LP?
Leukokeratosis, hyperkeratosis, fissuring, & erosions
What are the features of vulvar & vaginal LP?
1.          Combined with oral LP (in 25-60% oral LP cases)
2.          Patches of leukoplakia or erythroplakiaerosive & atrophic diseasedesquamative vaginitis
3.          Often asymptomaticburning, itching, painful erosion
What is vulvovaginal gingival syndrome (VVGS)?
Triad of gingival/lingual erythema & erosions, vulvar & vaginal desquamation & erosions. (Also involves skin/scalp/nails/esophagus )
What are the significant long-term sequelae of VVGS?
Fibrosis & stricture of vagina (needs aggressive topical and systemic immunosuppression)
What are the HLA related to VVGS?
Class II HLA DBQ10201 allele
What are the sequelae of conjunctival LP?
Cicatricial conjunctivitis.
What are the differential diagnoses of conjunctival LP?
Paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome
& paraneoplastic/cicatricial pemphigoid
How to distinguish conjunctival LP with other cicatricial conjunctivitis?
Direct immunofluorescence, indirect immunofluorescence, & serologies for autoantibodies
What are the signs/symptoms of otic LP?
Otorrhea or external auditory canal stenosis.
What is the long-term sequelae of otic LP?
Progressive hearing loss(involvement of external auditory canal & tympanic membrane)
What are the 3 major forms of nail LP?
Classic nail lichen planus , 20-nail dystrophy, & idiopathic atrophy of the nails.
Which 2 forms of nail LP are common in children?
20-nail dystrophy, & idiopathic atrophy of the nails.
What are the common features of classic nail LP?
Thinning, longitudinal ridging, distal nail splitting (onychoschizia), onycholysis, longitudinal striation with a “sandpaper-like quality” (onychorrhexis), subungual hyperkeratosis, & atrophic or absent nail plates(anonychia)
What is the early finding of nail LP in dermoscopy?
Nail pitting
What is the classic finding in nail LP involving the matrix?
Pterygium or forward growth of the eponychia with adherence to the proximal nail plate (irreversible, loss of nail plate)
What are the common features of 20-nail dystrophy?
Trachyonychia (uniform roughness of the 20 nails), an indolent course.

What are the common features of idiopathic atrophy of the nails?
Abrupt onset & rapidly progressive thinning of the nailssubsequent loss & scarring ± dorsal pterygium
What are the differential diagnosis of nail LP?
Psoriasis, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, & rarely immunobullous diseases.
What are the features of inverse LP?
Red-brown, discrete papules & flat-topped plaques at flexural areas
What are the locations of inverse LP?
Flexural areas: axillae, inframammary region, & groin. (antecubital, popliteal, other ectodermal-derived tissues are rare.)
What peoples predispose inverse LP?
Whites, Asians, & Tunisians
What are the differences of LP pigmentosus & inverse LP?
LP pigmentosus inversus: flexural areas, no involvement of sun-exposed areas
LP pigmentosus: flexural areas + sun-exposed areas.
Where are the involved areas in those with palmoplantar LP?
1.          Internal plantar arch of feet
2.          Thenar & hypothenar eminence of hands.
3.          Anterior shin & malleoli
What are the features of palmoplantar LP?
Pruritic, red-purple, scaly plaques (a faint purple hue & an inflammatory halo) ± callus-like, yellow, compact keratotic papules/papulonodules on the lateral margins of the fingers & hand surfaces.
No Wickham striae.
What are the 4 patterns of palmoplantar LP?
Plaque type, punctate, diffuse keratoderma, & ulcerated
What are the differential diagnoses of palmoplantar LP?
Keratotic papules of palms & soles: psoriasis, warts, calluses, porokeratosis, hyperkeratotic dermatitis, tinea, or secondary syphilis.
What are the features of lichenoid drug eruptions?
Localized or generalized with eczematous papules & plaques with variable degree of desquamation
What are the cause of lichenoid drug eruptions?
1.          Gold salts
2.          β-blackers
3.          Antimalarials
4.          Diuretics (thiazides, furosemide, spironolactone)
5.          Penicillamine
6.          Immune checkpoint inhibotors (17%: pembrolizumab, nivolumab, ipilimumab)
Contact or inhalation of certain chemicals.
1.          Color film developers
2.          Dental restoration materials (amalgams: Ag, Hg, Au)
3.          Musk ambrette (合成麝香)
4.          Nickel
5.          Gold
6.          Aminoglycosides
What are the features of lichenoid drug eruptions?
1.          Often with hyperpigmentation & alopecia
2.          Rare Wickham striae
3.          Often symmetrical on the trunk & limbs, less flexural.
What are the common photo-inducer of LP or lichenoid drug eruptions?
1.          5-FU
2.          Carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, diazoxide
3.          Ethambutol
4.          Pyritinol (analog of vitamin B)
5.          Quinine (antimalaria )
6.          Quinidine (class I antiarrhythmic)
7.          Tetracycline
8.          Thiazide
9.          Furosemide
Why is lichenoid drug eruption hard to diagnosed?
The latency period varies from months to >1 year.
How long is the resolution of  lichenoid drug eruption?
3-4 months(related to the severity & extent), but may be years in gold-induced lesions.
What patients may have genetic susceptibility of lichenoid drug eruption?
Recurrent cases and cases involving immune-modulating drugs( INF-α, ipilimumab, pembrolizumab, & nivolumab=melanoma-related)
What are the features of LP-LE?
1.          Overlap of LP & LE (clinical, histology, immunofluorescence)
2.          Red-violet, atrophic patches & plaques + hypopigmentation, telangiectasia, & minimal scale.(The bold is the features of LP)
3.          Some individualsSLE.
4.          Weakly positive ANA.
5.          Prolonged course & refractory to Tx.
Where are the locations of LE-LP?
The dorsal limbs, esp. hands & nails(anonychia)
What are the features of lichen planus pemphigoides?
1.      LP + BP (LP pemphigoides blisters occur on the lichenoid lesions & normal skin)
2.      Younger age than typical BP
3.      Better prognosis than typical LP
4.      Can be drug-induced.
What is the possible pathogenesis of LP pemphigoides?
The brisk LTRliquefactive degeneration of keratinocytesexposure of autoantigensautoantibody
What is the antigen of LP pemphigoides?
Medical College of Wisconsin domain 4 (MCW-4) of BPAG180
What are the features of keratosis lichenoides chronica (Nekam disease)?
1.          Lichenoid, keratotic papules & plaques
2.          A seborrheic distribution, palms & soles
3.          Folliculo- & infundibulocentric
4.          Linear or reticulate pattern.
5.          Asymptomatic & refractory to treatment
6.          A brisk LTR + parakeratosis + Nφin the crust
Lichenoid Graft versus Host Disease

What is the classic acute GVHD?
Transplant<100 days, a classic (folliculocentric) maculopapular rash; GI s/s; &bilirubin (liver).
What is the classic chronic GVHD?
Transplant >100 days, dermatitic, sclerodermoid, or lichenoid eruption
What is the new classification of GVHD?
1.      Acute GVHD: classic, persist, recurrent, or late-onset (after 100 days)
2.      Classic chronic GVHD, and overlap syndromes.
What are the driving cytokine of acute & chronic GVHD ?
Acute: Th2 cytokines
Chronic: Th1/Th17 cytokines (IFN-γ– & IL-17)
What are the features of lichenoid GVHD?
1.          Classic lichenoid papules
2.          Prominent follicular involvement of the head & neck & oral involvement.
3.          Onycholysis & cicatricial alopecia
What are the differences between GVHD & LP?
Grossly similar, but GVHD has satellite cell necrosis, plasma cells, & Eφ
What are the features of lichenoid keratosis(LK)?
A single, nonpruritic, brown to red, scaling flat-topped plaque on sun-exposed extremities.
What is the histological feature of LK?
LTRs + parakeratosis or a remnant lentigo, seborrheic keratosis, or actinic keratosis.
What are the features of lichenoid dermatitis?
Nonclassic LTRs + spongiosis ± granuloma
What are the differential diagnoses of lichenoid dermatitis?
Dermatitis, drug eruption, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, & cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

What is the most common associations of LP?
Liver diseases: autoimmune chronic active hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), & postviral chronic, active hepatitis.
What are the associated autoimmune dzs of LP?
SLE, Sjögren syndrome, dermatomyositis, vitiligo,
& alopecia areata (Taiwanese data)
What is the associated infection of oral LP?
HCV in endemic regions (East & Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East, & Southern Europe)
Is there association between cutaneous LP and HCV?
Is there association between LP & HBV?
What is the related HLA of HCV-induced oral LP?
What is the common laboratory abnormality in LP?
1.          Dyslipidemia (higher risk of cardiac dz & metabolic syndrome)
2.          Hypothyroidism (in 1/3 LPP)
What is the relationship between LP & lichen sclerosus et atrophicus?
Oral LPlichen sclerosus et atrophicus
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus: no risk of oral LP.
What is the relationship between LP & internal malignancies?
LP can be a manifestation of paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome.